In the field of silicon solar cells, the search for more efficient and cost-effective technologies never ceases. One of the most exciting developments of the past decade has been the rise of so-called passivating contacts, with the current industry leader
Tag Archives: ALD

Visualizing the contributions of key authors to the field of ALD – Exploring newly implemented functionality of the ALD/Database
It is more than 2 years ago that Elsa Alvaro (Northwestern University Libraries) and Angel Yanguas-Gil (Argonne National Laboratory) published their research article “Characterizing the field of Atomic Layer Deposition: Authors, topics, and collaborations” in PLOS ONE. This article provided

Atomic layer deposition for device integration of graphene
– A just published review paper
A new paper from our group has just appeared in Advanced Material Interfaces. In this paper I – together with my colleagues, have reviewed the methods explored to achieve uniform atomic layer deposition (ALD) on graphene. The work is part

Join the short course on Atomic Layer Deposition!
Prof. Gregory Parsons (North Carolina State University) and Prof. Erwin Kessels (Eindhoven University of Technology) invite you to participate you in their short course on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), at the Eindhoven University of Technology on April 20, 2017. This

Our contributions to the ALD conference now on YouTube!
The recorded presentations of the 16th Atomic Layer Deposition Conference held in Dublin last July are now on YouTube! A list of all recorded presentations can be found on the ALD conference website. Below you can find a list of the