As you might have noticed, we have just started a year in which we celebrate the discovery of the Periodic System by Dmitri Mendeleev: 2019 is the 150th anniversary of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements and has therefore been
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Towards Area-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition with High Selectivity
– Our perspective on area-selective ALD
We just published a perspective article entitled “From the bottom-up: towards area-selective atomic layer deposition with high selectivity”.1 This perspective describes the current status of the field of area-selective atomic layer deposition (ALD), and also includes my vision on how

What can Atomic Layer Deposition do for solar cells? – A few afterthoughts from my ALD conference tutorial
At the end of July the annual AVS International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) – combined with the Atomic Layer Etching (ALE) Workshop – took place in Bellevue, Seattle. As customary, the Sunday before the conference itself was devoted to

ALD and ALE go Quantum –Research grant for scalable atomic scale processing (ASP) techniques for quantum computing
Recently, the Dutch Research Council (NWO) revealed six research projects to receive funding within its Open Technology Programme. We are proud to announce that our project – Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching for Quantum Computing – is among these projects!

ALD of high-quality hydrogen-doped indium oxide
– a mini-review
I recently successfully defended my PhD thesis, entitled “Atomic Layer Deposition of Metal Oxide Thin Films for Si Heterojunction Solar Cells”. As the title suggests, I have worked on ALD of various metal oxides for the application in Si heterojunction

And here it is… the online ALD database
– A website where you can easily search, browse, and add ALD processes
Many of us ALD researchers have been talking – or even dreaming – about it for some years: an online database listing all ALD materials and processes. And now we have it! You can access it through the link at

Plasma ALD and substrate biasing
– The impact of energetic ions on film properties
“Plasma ions create electronic defects in sensitive substrates as well as generate a large electronic trap density in deposited films, especially detrimental for gate dielectric applications.” This is a sentence that I read about 10 years ago (in January 2007

Flashback to…
Advancing PV: from passivation to contacts
– A passivating contact workshop
On 31 January 2018 more than 80 people from 11 different countries attended the event Advancing PV: from passivation to contacts – A passivating contact workshop. The interesting presentations of the invited speakers together with the extensive discussion with the audience

On the role of ions during plasma ALD – An animation summarizing many years of our research
Last year we finished a project called “Taking plasma ALD to the next level” (funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), Applied and Engineering Sciences (AES) section). This project was devoted to obtaining a better understanding of plasma

In situ spectroscopic ellipsometry and ALD
– How ellipsometry became a popular technique to monitor ALD film growth
Serendipity is often cited as a key factor in scientific innovations. I can fully confirm this as will also be obvious from the subtitle of this blog site: “Blog about strategy, serendipity and vision in nanoscience”. From my point of