Prof. Gregory Parsons (North Carolina State University) and Prof. Erwin Kessels (Eindhoven University of Technology) invite you to participate you in their short course on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), at the Eindhoven University of Technology on April 20, 2017. This
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ALD for Self-Aligned Multiple Patterning (SAxP)
– How litho has become patterning and requires ALD
Two weeks ago I attended the SPIE Advanced Lithography conference in San Jose (February 26 – March 2) and I got so much inspired that I wanted to write a blog about it. It was my second time at this

2nd Area Selective Deposition Workshop
General In collaboration with COST action HERALD, Eindhoven University will host the 2nd Area Selective Deposition workshop (ASD 2017), which will be held on April 20-21, 2017. The aim of this workshop is to bring together leading scientists and engineers

PECVD of amorphous silicon for lithium ion batteries
– How my PhD might be applied in industry
Recently I did an interesting discovery: the work that I did during my PhD (1996 – 2000) might be at the basis of a radical new technology to produce anodes of Li-ion batteries, anodes based on silicon nanowires instead of

ALD of high-quality hydrogen-doped indium oxide
– a mini-review
I recently successfully defended my PhD thesis, entitled “Atomic Layer Deposition of Metal Oxide Thin Films for Si Heterojunction Solar Cells”. As the title suggests, I have worked on ALD of various metal oxides for the application in Si heterojunction

Our contributions to the ALD conference now on YouTube!
The recorded presentations of the 16th Atomic Layer Deposition Conference held in Dublin last July are now on YouTube! A list of all recorded presentations can be found on the ALD conference website. Below you can find a list of the

Looking down the rabbit hole
– Minisymposium on nanoporosity
General Registration is now closed. Aim of the symposium The aim of this mini-symposium is to discuss: the recent advancements in nano-porosity detection in thin films and membranes; the role of nano-porosity in several application fields, i.e., from molecule separation

ALDfor2D Workshop in Eindhoven
The aim of this one-day workshop is to give an overview of current topics in the field of atomic layer deposition (ALD) for the synthesis and integration of 2D Materials such as graphene and the transition metal dichalchalcogenides for nanodevice applications. The