On June 21, the Solar Team Eindhoven launched its 5-person, solar-powered family car “Stella Vie”. The car, which has been developed by students at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), will take part in the cruiser class event of the

2nd Area-selective deposition workshop (ASD 2017)
– Flashback
On April 20-21, the 2nd Area Selective Deposition workshop (ASD 2017) took place in Eindhoven. Here we give a brief flashback of the workshop and include several photographs of the meeting, including a group photo of the participants. The workshop

ALD-enabled nanopatterning: area-selective ALD by area-activation
– Reflecting on ASD 2016 with the ASD 2017 workshop approaching
The 2nd Area Selective Deposition workshop (ASD 2017, link) is approaching quickly now. The workshop will take place in Eindhoven on April 21 and my colleague Adrie Mackus is the main organizer. With the upcoming workshop in mind, I thought

ALD for Self-Aligned Multiple Patterning (SAxP)
– How litho has become patterning and requires ALD
Two weeks ago I attended the SPIE Advanced Lithography conference in San Jose (February 26 – March 2) and I got so much inspired that I wanted to write a blog about it. It was my second time at this

PECVD of amorphous silicon for lithium ion batteries
– How my PhD might be applied in industry
Recently I did an interesting discovery: the work that I did during my PhD (1996 – 2000) might be at the basis of a radical new technology to produce anodes of Li-ion batteries, anodes based on silicon nanowires instead of