Please cite as M.J.M. Merkx, A.J.M. Mackus, Area-selective ALD of diffusion barriers for via optimization – There is plenty of room at the bottom. 2022, 7. AtomicLimits. This week the 6th area-selective deposition (ASD) workshop will be held in San Francisco,

About (my way of) academic leadership
-A reflection after 10 years of chairing the Plasma & Materials Processing group at TU/e
In 2021 it was 10 years ago that I took over the chair position of the Plasma & Materials Processing (PMP) group at the Department of Applied Physics of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Since then I have been

Students in plasma processing
A sneak peek into the real world – part II: the student perspective
How a master course can provide insights into real-life industrial challenges In the previous blog on the master course “plasma processing science and technology” given at the Eindhoven University of Technology, a nice and concise explanation about the goal and

Unravelling complex nanoelectronic devices
A challenge-based learning assignment – part I: the teacher perspective
With the new academic year just started, this blogpost focuses on teaching, and describes the assignment we designed as part of a course on plasma processing. The inspiration for this assignment is that we all are accustomed to the marvels

What 2020 brought to the ALD/Database – Ternary materials and multi-step ALD processes are trending!
Key findings: ALD/Database continued to grow in 2020 by 323 new entries reaching 4527 entries in total. In 2020, we saw the introduction of: 123 new ALD processes, 20 new precursors, 17 new materials. Trending: most new ALD process go

Understanding plasma ALD – Why ions matter… and should be considered!
[Note: a recording of my presentation for the 2020 Coburn and Winters Student Award competition can be viewed at the bottom of this page] This year I had the honor of being a finalist in the AVS Coburn and Winters

The ALD/Database: looking back on the first year
Introduction In March 2019 the ALD/Database was introduced to the ALD community on The ALD/Database is an initiative by Harm Knoops, Bart Macco, Vincent Vandalon and Erwin Kessels and offers a centralized platform for the ALD community to provide

Plasma ALD – A discussion of mechanisms – Commemorating the career of John Coburn
Undoubtedly, every scientist and technologist working in the field of plasma etching has heard about the research carried out by Coburn and Winters, two research scientists that worked at the IBM San Jose Research Laboratory for almost their full professional

What can Atomic Layer Deposition do for solar cells? – A few afterthoughts from my ALD conference tutorial
At the end of July the annual AVS International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) – combined with the Atomic Layer Etching (ALE) Workshop – took place in Bellevue, Seattle. As customary, the Sunday before the conference itself was devoted to

#ALDALE2019: the aftermath… including photos!
The photos in this blog post were made by DIWAS Photography, Seattle Event Photographer Two weeks ago the 19th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, featuring also the 6th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop, took place in Bellevue, WA. As