Last year we finished a project called “Taking plasma ALD to the next level” (funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), Applied and Engineering Sciences (AES) section). This project was devoted to obtaining a better understanding of plasma

Metal-on-metal area-selective deposition-Why cobalt succeeded where tungsten failed
In 2019 we wrote a blog post on the use of area-selective deposition (ASD) for the fabrication of Fully Self-Aligned Via (FSAV) structures and how this application could enable further downscaling in the semiconductor industry.

Basic insights into ALD conformality – A closer look at ALD and thin film conformality
Note: This post can also be downloaded at the bottom of this page. Please cite as: K. Arts, W.M.M. Kessels and H.C.M Knoops. Basic insights into ALD conformality – A closer look at ALD and thin film conformality. 2020, 1.

Atomic Layer Deposition Process Development
– 10 steps to successfully develop, optimize and characterize ALD recipes
Note: This post can also be downloaded at the bottom of this page. Please cite as: M.F.J. Vos, A.J.M. Mackus, W.M.M. Kessels. Atomic Layer Deposition Process Development – 10 steps to successfully develop, optimize and characterize ALD recipes. 2019, 3.

In situ Studies of ALD Processes & Reaction Mechanisms
It is the time of the year that the annual AVS International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition combined with the International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop takes place. The location of 18th edition of the ALD conference (ALD 2018) and the

Atomic layer deposition for device integration of graphene
– A just published review paper
A new paper from our group has just appeared in Advanced Material Interfaces. In this paper I – together with my colleagues, have reviewed the methods explored to achieve uniform atomic layer deposition (ALD) on graphene. The work is part

ALD of high-quality hydrogen-doped indium oxide
– a mini-review
I recently successfully defended my PhD thesis, entitled “Atomic Layer Deposition of Metal Oxide Thin Films for Si Heterojunction Solar Cells”. As the title suggests, I have worked on ALD of various metal oxides for the application in Si heterojunction