Last November the method of atomic layer deposition (ALD) turned 45 years old. The date of November 29, 1974 was the priority date for the first patent in the field of ALD. I considered this a good occasion to share

Atomic layer deposition turns 45! – The history of ALD in a timeline and an animated version of the ALD periodic table
Atomic layer deposition (ALD) has become a very popular method for the preparation of (ultra)thin films over the last two decades, yet it has a rich history which goes back many more years. It is well known that the first

Here we go again… the online ALE database! – A website where you can easily search, find, and add ALE processes
It might not be fully unexpected but after launching our online ALD database a few months ago, but now we have now also put together an online database on Atomic Layer Etching (ALE). So here it is! Similar to the

And here it is… the online ALD database
– A website where you can easily search, browse, and add ALD processes
Many of us ALD researchers have been talking – or even dreaming – about it for some years: an online database listing all ALD materials and processes. And now we have it! You can access it through the link at

Reviews, reviews, reviews… and another one about ALD! – An update on the status and prospects of plasma ALD
Note: a list of ALD review papers is available at the end. Atomic layer deposition or ALD is amazingly popular these days and this is also reflected by the large number of review articles that have appeared over the recent

Overview of all materials prepared by atomic layer deposition (ALD)
– An up-to-date and colorful periodic table (to download)
As you might have noticed, we have just started a year in which we celebrate the discovery of the Periodic System by Dmitri Mendeleev: 2019 is the 150th anniversary of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements and has therefore been

Stop motion movie of a novel area-selective ALD approach
– Building a film with nanoblocks – literally!
As will be clear from many of our posts on this blog(1, 2, 3), area-selective deposition (ASD) is currently an extremely hot research topic. This is mainly because of its potential application in future nanoelectronics as a solution to the