In the field of silicon solar cells, the search for more efficient and cost-effective technologies never ceases. One of the most exciting developments of the past decade has been the rise of so-called passivating contacts, with the current industry leader

Surface passivation as a cornerstone of modern semiconductor technology – Highlighting a comprehensive review paper on surface passivation for silicon, germanium, and III–V materials
What do transistors, solar cells, microLEDs, and thin-film transistors have in common? At first glance, the answer might seem straightforward: they all rely on semiconductor materials such as silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), gallium arsenide (GaAs), indium phosphide (InP), and gallium

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of ALD at ALD/ALE 2024 in Helsinki! – Updates of the history of ALD in timelines and the animated version of the ALD periodic table
Next week, from August 4 to 7, the ALD/ALE 2024 conference will be held in Helsinki, Finland. This event marks the 24th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition and will also include the 11th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop. This

AI serving the ALD community – Using ChatGPT 4 to extract ALD parameters from scientific papers
Recently, the Plasma and Materials Processing (PMP) group at the TU/e hosted de AI workshop, a company founded by four students that aims to educate and train people about using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for their work, especially ChatGPT 4. The

Introducing the new AtomicLimits ReviewBase – New features, new design and more to come!
We are very excited to announce the release of the totally renewed ReviewBase, which you can find in the menu above. We launched the original ReviewBase in 2022 as an easy-to-access overview of ALD, ALE and ASD review papers and

The Significance of Plasma Physics in EUV Lithography – Teaching ASML employees my Introduction to Plasma Physics course
My main teaching task at the Eindhoven University of Technology takes place in the fall when I teach the MSc course “Physics of Plasmas and Radiation”. This course is mandatory for all our MSc students in Applied Physics that follow

Substrate biasing as a tuning knob for superconducting films – the “ALD and ALE for quantum project” celebrates its first year with a publication
In July 2022 we announced the research grant for the ‘Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching for Quantum Computing’ NWO project on AtomicLimits. This project focusing on atomic scale processing for superconducting quantum devices had a flying start in October 2022.

After enabling AI it is time for the plasma community to benefit from AI – Personal view in a short perspective article
This blog post is about a short perspective article that I recently wrote for the ILTPC newsletter. ILTPC stands for the International Low Temperature Plasma Community. It is one of the two main communities where I feel at home. The

Let’s chat GPC by chatGPT – Putting ChatGPT to the test and a first (?) article about ALD by AI
I’m sure you have heard the buzz in the field of artificial intelligence (AI)… The promise of AI is to augment human abilities in areas such as decision-making, problem-solving, and other tasks. AI systems aim to simulate human intelligence and

A review on Atomic Layer Deposition of (semi)conductive oxides – The role of ALD in these emerging materials and their applications
Quick link to open access paper: Applied Physics Reviews 9, 041313 (2022) Earlier this month I published my review paper entitled Atomic layer deposition of conductive and semiconductive oxides. It was an invited review for Applied Physics Reviews and I was