On the 20th of May 2025, a full day event will be organized at the Eindhoven University of Technology focusing on the opportunities that atomic layer deposition (ALD) and atomic layer etching (ALE) provide for quantum technologies. A preliminary program

Plasma-Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition: Basics, Equipment, Applications – An upcoming AVS webinar – February 15, 2023
On February 15, 2023 (1:00 pm – 5:00 pm (EDT) I will give an AVS Webinar about the topic plasma-assisted ALD. I gave a similar webinar two years ago and you can read about it here as it was covered

Looking back at the Spatial ALD day -with photos and downloadable presentations!
At the start of summer we hosted the first Spatial ALD day at the Eindhoven University of Technology. In this blogpost, I want to look back at this day with a few highlights. Also, you can find photos and downloadable

Spatial ALD day – June 9th, register here!
On June 9th 2022, we will organize a spatial ALD day at the Eindhoven University of Technology. This full-day on-site (not online!) event will cover various aspects of spatial ALD, including presentations by spatial ALD companies in the Netherlands, as

ALD from an application perspective – An upcoming AVS webinar
On February 9, 2022 (1:00 pm – 5:00 pm (EDT) I will give my second AVS Webinar. Last year I gave a webinar about the topic “Plasma-Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition: From Basics to Applications” and this year the topic is

#ALDALE2020 – The prime conference in the field of atomic scale processing brought to your home
One of the most exciting presentations I saw in last year was given by Rajesh Krishnamurthy, a senior technology analyst of TechInsights. He was invited at the 19th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition in Bellevue WA, which also featured

#ALDALE2019 – A preview of my “ALD Innovator Award” plenary presentation at the 19th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition
The 19th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, featuring also the 6th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop, is about to start. It will kick-off today (Sunday July 22) with a tutorial session and the welcome reception. I feel extremely honored

Looking back at the passivating contact workshop in Eindhoven (part 3 of 3)
– Novel non-silicon based passivating contact materials
During the passivating contact workshop in Eindhoven earlier this year more than 80 people enjoyed several in-depth presentations and discussions on this hot topic in crystalline silicon PV research. Since the PV conference low season / summer break has

Looking back at the passivating contact workshop in Eindhoven (part 2 of 3)
– Passivating contact materials based on silicon
During the passivating contact workshop in Eindhoven earlier this year more than 80 people enjoyed several in-depth presentations and discussions on this hot topic in crystalline silicon PV research. Since the PV conference low season / summer break has

Looking back at the passivating contact workshop in Eindhoven (part 1 of 3)
– Why are passivating contacts for crystalline silicon solar cells needed and how do they work?
During the passivating contact workshop in Eindhoven earlier this year more than 80 people enjoyed several in-depth presentations and discussions on this hot topic in crystalline silicon PV research. Since the PV conference low season / summer break has