In 2021 it was 10 years ago that I took over the chair position of the Plasma & Materials Processing (PMP) group at the Department of Applied Physics of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Since then I have been

Visualizing the contributions of key authors to the field of ALD – Exploring newly implemented functionality of the ALD/Database
It is more than 2 years ago that Elsa Alvaro (Northwestern University Libraries) and Angel Yanguas-Gil (Argonne National Laboratory) published their research article “Characterizing the field of Atomic Layer Deposition: Authors, topics, and collaborations” in PLOS ONE. This article provided

#ALDALE2020 – The prime conference in the field of atomic scale processing brought to your home
One of the most exciting presentations I saw in last year was given by Rajesh Krishnamurthy, a senior technology analyst of TechInsights. He was invited at the 19th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition in Bellevue WA, which also featured

ALD in the Netherlands – Special issue of the NEVAC magazine (free): How a small country can be big in nanolayers
The Dutch Vacuum Society – or Nederlandse Vacuümvereniging (NEVAC) – publishes the so-called “NEVAC blad”, a magazine that appears three times a year. The issue for June 2020 just appeared and it is a special issue completely devoted to atomic

Atomic layer etching turns 32.5 years old! – A good occasion to share an ALE timeline and an animated version of the ALE periodic table
Last November the method of atomic layer deposition (ALD) turned 45 years old. The date of November 29, 1974 was the priority date for the first patent in the field of ALD. I considered this a good occasion to share

Atomic layer deposition turns 45! – The history of ALD in a timeline and an animated version of the ALD periodic table
Atomic layer deposition (ALD) has become a very popular method for the preparation of (ultra)thin films over the last two decades, yet it has a rich history which goes back many more years. It is well known that the first

Plasma ALD – A discussion of mechanisms – Commemorating the career of John Coburn
Undoubtedly, every scientist and technologist working in the field of plasma etching has heard about the research carried out by Coburn and Winters, two research scientists that worked at the IBM San Jose Research Laboratory for almost their full professional

#ALDALE2019: the aftermath… including photos!
The photos in this blog post were made by DIWAS Photography, Seattle Event Photographer Two weeks ago the 19th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, featuring also the 6th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop, took place in Bellevue, WA. As

Here we go again… the online ALE database! – A website where you can easily search, find, and add ALE processes
It might not be fully unexpected but after launching our online ALD database a few months ago, but now we have now also put together an online database on Atomic Layer Etching (ALE). So here it is! Similar to the

#ALDALE2019 – A preview of my “ALD Innovator Award” plenary presentation at the 19th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition
The 19th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, featuring also the 6th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop, is about to start. It will kick-off today (Sunday July 22) with a tutorial session and the welcome reception. I feel extremely honored