Next week, from August 4 to 7, the ALD/ALE 2024 conference will be held in Helsinki, Finland. This event marks the 24th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition and will also include the 11th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop. This

The Significance of Plasma Physics in EUV Lithography – Teaching ASML employees my Introduction to Plasma Physics course
My main teaching task at the Eindhoven University of Technology takes place in the fall when I teach the MSc course “Physics of Plasmas and Radiation”. This course is mandatory for all our MSc students in Applied Physics that follow

On the role of ions during plasma ALD – An animation summarizing many years of our research
Last year we finished a project called “Taking plasma ALD to the next level” (funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), Applied and Engineering Sciences (AES) section). This project was devoted to obtaining a better understanding of plasma

After enabling AI it is time for the plasma community to benefit from AI – Personal view in a short perspective article
This blog post is about a short perspective article that I recently wrote for the ILTPC newsletter. ILTPC stands for the International Low Temperature Plasma Community. It is one of the two main communities where I feel at home. The

Plasma-Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition: Basics, Equipment, Applications – An upcoming AVS webinar – February 15, 2023
On February 15, 2023 (1:00 pm – 5:00 pm (EDT) I will give an AVS Webinar about the topic plasma-assisted ALD. I gave a similar webinar two years ago and you can read about it here as it was covered

Let’s chat GPC by chatGPT – Putting ChatGPT to the test and a first (?) article about ALD by AI
I’m sure you have heard the buzz in the field of artificial intelligence (AI)… The promise of AI is to augment human abilities in areas such as decision-making, problem-solving, and other tasks. AI systems aim to simulate human intelligence and

Foundations of atomic-level plasma processing in nanoelectronics – Smaller, thinner, taller, etc … all enabled by plasmas
***Quick link to the open access paper: “Foundations of atomic-level plasma processing in nanoelectronics”*** We have just published a topical review paper entitled “Foundations of atomic-level plasma processing in nanoelectronics” in the journal Plasma Sources Science and Technology. This review

ALD and ALE go Quantum –Research grant for scalable atomic scale processing (ASP) techniques for quantum computing
Recently, the Dutch Research Council (NWO) revealed six research projects to receive funding within its Open Technology Programme. We are proud to announce that our project – Atomic Layer Deposition and Etching for Quantum Computing – is among these projects!

Launch of the ALD & ALE ReviewBase – An easy-to-access overview of all ALD and ALE review papers
The scientific and technological interest in atomic layer deposition (ALD) and atomic layer etching (ALE) has been surging in the last decade and the sheer volume of ALD and ALE papers can make it difficult to get a clear overview

ALD from an application perspective – An upcoming AVS webinar
On February 9, 2022 (1:00 pm – 5:00 pm (EDT) I will give my second AVS Webinar. Last year I gave a webinar about the topic “Plasma-Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition: From Basics to Applications” and this year the topic is